A Business You Love Begins With — YOU
Discover Your Unique Path to Entrepreneurial Bliss
Creating a business that aligns with your true self is the foundation of a venture you can genuinely love. It’s not just about making money; it’s about finding meaning and purpose in what you do.
Achieving this balance can sometimes be challenging. You may find yourself loving your work but struggling with profitability, or experiencing financial success while feeling drained by your clients or the nature of the work.
For me, a big misalignment was a traditional approach to one-to-one coaching (where you meet once a week or bi-weekly at a set time). I loved my clients but didn’t love opening my calendar and seeing appointments I was obligated to. To some that sounds silly, I know. Many coaches would love to be — as they say: booked solid. But the idea of that makes me want to run in the opposite direction.
FREEDOM is my ultimate priority. I still do one-to-one coaching but I do it differently. (How? — making a note to write about this and link back at a later time.)
So you might be wondering, what does it takes to have a business you love and financial freedom without compromising your values or losing sight of who you are?