Celebrating — 30 Days of Daily Publishing

A Journey of Personal Growth and Commitment

Gina Raelene Fink


blue coffee mug on table with word YEAH!
Photo by Frank Leuderalbert on Unsplash

Have you ever taken on a challenge that seemed daunting at first? I did.

Inspired by Matt Cutts’ TED Talk, “Try Something New For 30 Days,” I committed to publishing a story every day for a month. It wasn’t easy, but it was transformative.

It all started with the desire and determination to show up for myself in a way that I’ve struggled to do in the past AND to explore the depths of my creativity.

So I decided to embrace the challenge of daily publishing, knowing that it would require dedication, discipline, and (gulp!)…commitment.

There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.
— Art Turock

The first few days were filled with anticipation and excitement. But as the initial enthusiasm wore off, I encountered the true test of my resolve.

Some days, the words flowed effortlessly, while other days were a complete grind. Yet, I discovered that…



Gina Raelene Fink

7x Best-Selling Author, Collaboration Book Publisher, Writing Mentor + Success Coach to Ambitious Women Entrepreneurs. https://ginafink.podia.com/collab-book