Freedom-Rich Business Design
Structure your business to support the life you want to live.
Imagine enjoying summers at the lake with your family while still running a successful business. It’s not an impossible dream!
A client recently asked “How do I do this without essentially closing down my business for two months each year and having two months without income?”
By implementing the following five strategies, you can structure your business to support the life you want to live. Let’s dive in and explore actionable steps to make it happen.
Create a Clear Vision: To design a freedom-rich business, clarity is key. Take the time to define what you truly want your life and business to look like.
This vision will serve as your compass, guiding your decisions and ensuring each step you take aligns with your desired outcome.
Remember to consider your summer break when making choices, applying leverage, and structuring your plans.
My ex and I invested in a franchise years back that derailed our summer camping plans. We learned this lesson the hard way.
Embrace Passive Income and Cash Infusions: During the summer months, focus your marketing efforts on hands-off, self-paced programs and information products. This…