If Decisions Were This Easy, We’d All Be…

A reminder that fear isn’t always a stop sign

Gina Raelene Fink


paper fortune teller and origami owl

Do you remember paper fortune tellers from when you were younger?

My friends and I used to make them — ALL THE TIME! They were SO much fun!

If only making decisions in real life could be this easy. Just whip one of these babies up and you’re be good to go.

Unfortunately, there’s only one way to feel confident about what the future holds for us and that is to act on decisions now — today — that support a future we want to experience.

But, how do you make BIG decisions when fear has you shaking in your booties?

The first step is to recognize that fear isn’t always a stop sign.

There is a difference between fear that stems from true danger and fear that stems from stepping beyond your comfort zone.

Here’s my best advice if fear is keeping you from making and acting on a big decision:

  • Remember, fear isn’t always a stop sign.
  • Seek the truth. Caveat: Seek YOUR truth.
  • Breathe.
  • Get clear about the fear. Feel it then face it.
  • Be honest and compassionate with yourself.



Gina Raelene Fink

7x Best-Selling Author, Collaboration Book Publisher, Writing Mentor + Success Coach to Ambitious Women Entrepreneurs. https://ginafink.podia.com/collab-book